Regulatory Compliance and Reporting
Government agencies have established a number of environmental laws as cornerstones for protection of Human Health and Wellbeing and for conservation of America’s Wildlife and Natural Resources (such as State Waters which we all share). In cases where different types of Natural Resources are affected collectively by altered land use, more than one environmental law, or section of a law, may apply to regulation of that particular land-use activity. Additionally, specific regulations and requirements within each law will pertain to different owner/ stakeholder groups. And, on top of this, a myriad of regulations pertaining to the responsibilities of owners/ stakeholders can come from a variety of governing bodies and agencies; including Federal agencies, state agencies and governments, and city/ county and local governments.
DTE provides guidance for compliance with Environmental Laws, such as the Clean Water Act (CWA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). DTE coordinates compliance activities on Federal, State, County/City and local levels. In this process, We conduct meetings and scoping with stakeholders and agencies in early stages to determine laws and regulations that apply to a particular action and steps required for compliance. DTE prepares documents and permits required for compliance reporting, and consults with regulatory agencies regarding their determination and mitigation requirements.
DTE also performs field work and services for regulatory compliance and mitigation. We conduct Jurisdictional Waters Delineations and 404 Permitting, Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys, NPDES Sedimentation and Erosion Control and Water Quality Monitoring. DTE produces Construction Plans, Biological and Environmental Assessments, NEPA Planning and other regulatory reports. After plans are approved and construction begins, DTE also installs Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and Erosion Control Plans, and conducts Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring work.
Regulatory Services for Landowners and Businesses
- Guidance regarding State and Federal Environmental Regulations
- Procurement of Aid/Tax-Incentives for Wildlife/ Habitat Conservation or Improvement
- Jurisdictional Waters Delineations and Permitting
- Compensatory Mitigation Measures Installation and Monitoring work
Regulatory Services for Land and Natural Resource Managers
- Guidance regarding State and Federal Environmental Regulations
- Consultation with State and Federal Agencies
- Permitting Documentation Preparation and Reporting
- Procurement of Aid/Tax-Incentives for Wildlife/ Habitat Conservation Projects
- NPDES Sediment and Erosion Control Permitting, Installation and Monitoring
- Compensatory Mitigation Measures Installation and Monitoring work
Regulatory Services for Planners and Developers
- NEPA (EA, EIS), CWA (SS404 and SS401 permitting), and ESA (SS7 and SS10)
- Consultation with State and Federal Agencies
- Regulatory guidance in the Planning & Design phases
- NPDES Sediment and Erosion Control permitting and monitoring
- Compensitory Mitigation and Monitoring – Remediation/ Restoration work